Daniel, Lea J., King, Carey W., Tuttle, David P., and Paxton, William A, Computational Tool for Analysis of Vehicle-to-Home as Home Backup Solution During Power Outages, Energy Reports, Volume 11, June 2024, p. 1472-1486 (online link).
Souto, Laiz; Yip, Joshua; Wu, Wen-Ying; Austgen, Brent; Kutanoglu, Erhan; Hasenbein, John; Yang, Zong-Liang; King, Carey W.; Santoso, Surya (2022) Power system resilience to floods: Modeling, impact assessment, and mid-term mitigation strategies, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 135, February 2022, 107545, website link.
King, Carey W., Rhodes, Joshua D., Zarnikau, Jay, et al. (2021) The Timeline and Events of the February 2021 Texas Electric Grid Blackouts, a report of the Energy Institute, University of Texas at Austin, online pdf and website link.
Fares, Robert L. and King, Carey W. “Trends in transmission, distribution, and administration costs for U.S. investor-owned electric utilities,” Energy Policy, 2017, 105 (June 2017), 354-362., doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.036. Online link. Data: Underlying FERC Form1 data are available via links via OpenEI (for data from 1994-2019).
Figure. The average annual spending, per customer, on transmission, distribution, and administrative costs in U.S. investor-owned utilities (IOUs).
Rhodes, Joshua D., King, Carey, Gülen, Gürcan, Olmstead, Sheila M., Dyer, James S., Hebner, Robert E., Beach, Fred C., Edgar,Thomas F., Webber, Michael E.. “A geographically resolved method to estimate levelized power plant costs with environmental externalities,” Energy Policy, 2017, 102 (March 2017), 491-499, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.12.025. View paper free online here (link), or download pdf: link.
This paper is also a white paper as part of the Energy Institute at UT-Austin’s Full Cost of Electricity study.
Interesting graphic using data from this study to compare to other studies on levelized cost of electricity (LCOE):
[Graphic: Lucas Bifera, S&P Global Market Intelligence, January 06, 2017, Levelized cost of energy survey shows wind, natural gas cementing economic edge]2015:
Chaianong, Aksornchan, and King, Carey W. An Analysis for Promoting Residential-scale Solar Photovoltaic (PV) in Bangkok, Thailand. Poster at the 33rd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 25-28, 2015, PDF.
Grubert, Emily A., King, Carey W., and Webber, Michael E., “Maui’s Complicated Relationship with Water,” Earth Magazine, August 2013.
Sanders, Kelly T., King, Carey W., Stillwell, Ashlynn S., and Webber, Michael E., Clean Energy and Water: Assessment of Mexico for Improved Water Services and Renewable Energy, Environment, Development and Sustainability, 15 (5), 2013, 1303-1321 . Abstract here.
Yan, Y.E., Tidwell, V.C., King, C.W., and Cook, M.A., 2013, “Impact of future climate variability on ERCOT thermoelectricity power generation”, ANL/EVS/R-13/2, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL. This report is available, at no cost, at http://www.osti.gov/bridge. or PDF
Beal, Colin M., Stillwell, Ashlynn S., King, Carey W., Cohen, Stuart M., Berberoglu, Halil, Bhattarai, Rajendra P., Connelly, Rhykka, Webber, Michael E., Hebner, Robert E., Energy Return on Investment for Algal Biofuel Production Coupled with Wastewater Treatment, Water Environment Research, 84 (9), 2012, 692-710; doi: 10.2175/106143012X13378023685718. PDF
Beal, Colin M., Hebner, Robert E., Webber, Michael E., Ruoff, Rodney S., Siebert, A. Frank, and King, Carey W., Comprehensive Evaluation of Algal Biofuel Production: Experimental and Target Results, Energies, 5 (6), 2012:1943-1981, doi:10.3390/en5061943. Abstract here. PDF
Baldick, Ross; Webber, Michael, and King, Carey, 2012, Techno-economic Modeling of the Integration of 20% Wind and Large-Scale Energy Storage in ERCOT by 2030, DE-EE0001385, available May 6, 2013 PDF.
Meehan, Colin M., King, Carey W., Garrison, Jared B., and Webber, Michael E. “The Total Impact of Wind Energy Variability on Fossil Fuel Emission Rates in Texas,” 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Austin, TX, November 4-7, 2012.
Alhajeri, N. S., Donohoo, P., Stillwell, A. S., King, C. W., Webster, M. D., Webber, M. E. & Allen, D. T. (2011) Using market-based dispatching with environmental price signals to reduce emissions and water use at power plants in the Texas grid. Environmental Research Letters, 6, 044018 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044018. Abstract here. PDF
Tammy M Thompson, Carey W. King, David T. Allen, Michael E Webber. Air quality impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in Texas: evaluating three battery charging scenarios. Environmental Research Letters 6, 2011 024004 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024004. Abstract here. PDF
Stuart M Cohen, Hannah L Chalmers, Michael E Webber, and Carey W King. Comparing post-combustion CO2 capture operation at retrofitted coal-fired power plants in the Texas and Great Britain electric grids. Environmental Research Letters 6, 2011 024001 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024001. Abstract here. PDF
C.W. King, K.M. Twomey, A.S. Stillwell, and M.E. Webber, “Clean Energy and Water: Assessment of Mexico for improved water services with renewable energy,” Prepared for the International Development Research Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, December 2011. PDF
King, C., and Webber, M. “Methodology for Calculating the Ability of Renewable Energy Systems to Manufacture Themselves,” Paper ES2009-90026, Proceedings of the ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, CA, July 19-23, 2009.
Lott, M., King, C., and Webber, M. “Analyzing Tradeoffs in Electricity Choices using the Texas Interactive Power Simulator (TIPS),” Paper ES2009-90135, Proceedings of the ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, CA, July 19-23, 2009.
Lott, M. C., C.W. King and M. E. Webber (2009). Using the Texas Interactive Power Simulator for Direct Instruction, Paper AC2009-525. American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX.
King, Carey W. and Webber, Michael E. Chapter 6: Energy from Water. Texas Renewable Energy Resources Assessment. December 2008. Available at: http://www.seco.cpa.state.tx.us/publications/renewenergy/.
Webber, Michael E.; Allen, David T.; Ferland, Kathey; King, Carey W.; McGaughey, Gary; Goldman, Steven; and Kimura, Yosuke. A Clean Energy Plan for Texas. Prepared for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under contract RFGA # 582-8-89236. August 2008.
The Energy Report 2008. Report of the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Available at: http://www.window.state.tx.us/specialrpt/energy/pdf/96-1266EnergyReport.pdf.