Models and Data


Macroeconomics — HARMONEY (“Human and Resources with MONEY”) Macroeconomic Growth Model (codes and links)

HARMONEY v1.0: R code available via the Ecological Economics page for the King, Carey W. (2020) paper that first introduces the HARMONEY model.

HARMONEY v1.1: R code is available for download here via a .zip file.  This .zip file includes initial conditions that are options to use in this model if assuming “full cost pricing” and if assuming “marginal cost pricing”.  This code was used to produce the results in King (2022) in Biophysical Economics and Sustainability.


Electricity Systems — Analyzing the off-grid Residential Home Operation on Backup Power Supplies (e.g., EVs, generator)

Click here to download codes and data for the codes used to optimize the scheduling of home appliances, in an off-grid home (e.g., power outage) scenario,  that is powered by one or more distributed energy technologies (e.g., electric vehicle, PV panels, portable generator).


Electricity Systems — Analyzing the Residential Energy Consumption Surveys of the Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Click here to download codes and data for white paper Kawai, Eiji and King, Carey W. “Spending on Household Energy Relative to Household Income in United States: A summary of Data in the Residential Energy Consumption Surveys, 1993-2015″, Discussion Paper No. 3, Energy Infrastructure of the Future study, February 2021, Energy Institute, University of Texas at Austin.


Electricity Systems — Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form 1 data for utility spending on transmission, distribution, and administration

Fares, Robert L. and King, Carey W. “Trends in transmission, distribution, and administration costs for U.S. investor-owned electric utilities,” Energy Policy, 2017, 105 (June 2017), 354-362., doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2017.02.036. Online link.

Data: Underlying FERC Form1 data are available via links at the Energy Institute of University of Texas at Austin (for 1994-2014) and OpenEI (for data from 1994-2016).


Meteorological (Water, Land, etc.) — Brazil Gridded Meteorological Data from 1980-2013 (and updated precipitation through 2015)

The meteorological variables (daily and monthly) in this gridded data set are: precipitation, maximum daily temperature, minimum daily temperature, solar radiation, wind speed at 2 m elevation, and relative humidity. These data are interpolated at a 0.25° × 0.25° resolution grid.

The data linked here were generated as part of the following journal paper and conference paper with updated precipitation data:

Xavier, Alexandre C., King, Carey W. and Scanlon, Bridget R. Daily gridded meteorological variables in Brazil (1980-2013), International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36 (6), 2644–2659  (article online).

Xavier, Alexandre C., King, Carey W., Scanlon, Bridget R. An update of Xavier, King and Scanlon (2016) daily precipitation gridded data set for the Brazil, Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Remote Sensing, May 28-31, 2017, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. Conference Paper: online link.

Supplemental and README file to help understand the structure of the data.

Direct link to data (login required):


Meteorological (Water, Land, etc.) — Texas/ERCOT Power Plant Water Usage

ERCOT Power Plant Cooling Database (2011 electricity generation data): This spreadsheet has estimates for water consumption and withdrawal rates (gal/kWh) for power plants in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) for the year 2011.  These data were used as the basis of a contract with Sandia National Laboratories to inform the Water Data Exchange (WaDE) website and data sharing site for the Western United States. WaDE is an effort of the Department of Energy National Labs, including university partners such as The University of Texas, working with the Western Governors Association and the Western States Water Council states to collect and analyze the state water allocation, supply, and demand data along with other relevant Federal data to support an analysis of water availability and demand for energy production in the West.

Citation: King, Carey W. and Cook, Margaret A. (2012) Data set for power plant cooling in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, University of Texas at Austin.  Compiled under contract PO# 1086665 with Sandia National Laboratory and the Department of Energy for project “Energy and Water in the Western and Texas Interconnects, Technical Support for Interconnection-Level Electric Infrastructure Planning, RC-BM-2010, Area of Interest 3: Water/Energy Nexus”.  Available (insert date) at:


Texas Power Plant Cooling Database (2006 electricity generation data): This spreadsheet has estimates for water consumption rates (gal/kWh) for power plants in Texas for the year 2006. These are the data from Appendix C associated with the 2008 report from the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology to the Texas Water Development Board. 

Citation: King, Carey W.; Duncan, Ian J.; and Webber, Michael E. Water Demand Projections for Power Generation in Texas. Appendix C of report to the Texas Water Development Board. August 31, 2008. Available at: