Jarvis, Andrew and King, Carey W. Economy‑wide rebound and the returns on investment in energy efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Volume 17, Article 60, 2024 (online link).
Delannoy, Louis and Auzanneau, Matthieu and Andrieu, Baptiste and Vidal, Olivier and Longaretti, Pierre-Yves and Prados, Emmanuel and Murphy, David J. and Bentley, Roger and Carbajales-Dale, Mik and Raugei, Marco and Höök, Mikael and Court, Victor and King, Carey and Fizaine, Florian and Jacques, Pierre and Heun, Matthew Kuperus and Jackson, Andrew and Guay, Charles and Aramendia, Emmanuel and Wang, Jianliang and Le-Boulzec, Hugo and Hall, Charlie, Emerging Consensus on Net Energy Paves the Way for Improved Integrated Assessment Modeling, Energy and Environmental Science, 2024 (online link). [Preprint available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4500020 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4500020]
King, Carey W. (2022) Interdependence of Growth, Structure, Size and Resource Consumption During an Economic Growth Cycle, Biophysical Economics and Sustainability, volume 7, Article number: 1. Free online access: website link and pdf and read blog summarizing insights.
BLOG SUMMARY (summarizing insights)
VIDEOS explaining the results of this HARMONEY paper:
- September 2022, Fields Institute, Workshop on Impacts of Climate Change on Economics, Finance, and Insurance: Video Link
- May 2022, Presentation to Institute for New Economic Thinking at Oxford: Video link
King, Carey W., Interdependence of Growth, Structure, Size and Resource Consumption During an Economic Growth Cycle, arXiv pre-print, online link.
Beal, Colin M. and King, Carey W., The zero-emissions cost of energy: a policy concept, Progress in Energy, 3 (2), 023001, 2021 online link.
King, Carey W., An Integrated Biophysical and Economic Modeling Framework for Long-Term Sustainability Analysis: the HARMONEY Model, Ecological Economics, 169, March 2020, 106464, online link. An earlier version as USAEE Working Paper No. 19-388 is available at SSRN.
VIDEOS explaining the results of this HARMONEY paper:
- December 2019, System Dynamics Society Economics Special Interest Group: Video Link
- November 2018, Southern Economic Association Conference: Video link
HARMONEY MODEL CODE: The two model codes used for the simulations in the paper are open-source, coded in the R language, and available on Mendeley.

The share of GDP going to wages decreases once (1) per capita energy consumption stagnates in the U.S. (in the 1970s) and (2) per capita resources consumption stagnates in the HARMONEY model.
Feng, Jingxuan, Feng, Lianyong, Wang, Jianliang, and King, Carey W. Evaluation of the onshore wind energy potential in mainland China—Based on GIS modeling and EROI analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 152, January 2020, 104484: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104484.
Feng, Jingxuan, Feng, Lianyong, Wang, Jianliang, and King, Carey W. Modeling the Point of Use EROI and Its Implications for Economic Growth in China, Energy, 2018, 144, 232-242: online link.
King, Carey W. and Rhodes, Joshua D. A Lack of Systematic Thinking Keeps America from Staying Great, Energy Institute Commentary, January, 2018: online link.
King, Carey W. Delusions of Grandeur in Building a Low-Carbon Future, Earth Magazine, August 2017, 32-37, online link.
Rhodes, Joshua D., King, Carey, Gülen, Gürcan, Olmstead, Sheila M., Dyer, James S., Hebner, Robert E., Beach, Fred C., Edgar,Thomas F., Webber, Michael E.. “A geographically resolved method to estimate levelized power plant costs with environmental externalities,” Energy Policy, 2017, 102 (March 2017), 491-499, doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2016.12.025. View paper free online here (link), or download pdf: link. A corrigendum (correction) was completed in 2018 (see here).
King, Carey W. Information Theory to Assess Relations Between Energy and Structure of the U.S. Economy Over Time. Biophysical Economics and Resource Quality, 2016, 1 (2), 10. doi: 10.1007/s41247-016-0011-y. View paper free online here: link, or download a pre-print draft: link. Read an extensive blog discussing the interpretation of this paper.
Watch a presentation discussing results of this paper (skip to 23:36 if you don’t want to view background material that provides context for the results): presentation link
Read a more extensive blog discussing the interpretation of this paper.
This paper describes the changing structure of the United States’ (U.S.) domestic economy by applying information theory-based metrics to the U.S. input-output (I-O) tables from 1947 to 2012. The findings of this paper have important implications for economic modeling in that the paper helps explain how fundamental shifts in resources costs relate to economic structure and economic growth.
Figure caption: After 2002, when energy, food, and water sector costs increased after reaching their low point, the direction of structural change of the U.S. economy reversed trends indicating that money became increasingly concentrated in fewer types of transactions.
King, Carey W. Make Austin Wealthy, a White Paper for the City of Austin “rethink Austin: For a Bright Green Future” campaign, 2016. Paper download.
King, Carey W., Maxwell, John P., and Donovan, Alyssa. Comparing world economic and net energy metrics, Part 1: Single Technology and Commodity Perspective, Energies, 2015, 8, 12949-12974 (article online and as PDF. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Excel file with calculations, and
PDF with explanation of methods.
King, Carey W., Maxwell, John P., and Donovan, Alyssa. Comparing world economic and net energy metrics, Part 2: Total Economy Expenditure Perspective, Energies, 2015, 8, 12975-12996 (article online and as PDF). SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Excel file with calculations, and
PDF with explanation of methods.
King, Carey W. Comparing world economic and net energy metrics, Part 3: Macroeconomic Historical and Future Perspectives, Energies, 2015, 8, 12997-13020 (article online and as PDF). SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Excel file with calculations, and
PDF with explanation of methods.
King, Carey W, The Rising Cost of Resources and Global Indicators of Change, American Scientist, 103 (6), November/December, 2015 (article online and as PDF).
Chaianong, Aksornchan, and King, Carey W. An Analysis for Promoting Residential-scale Solar Photovoltaic (PV) in Bangkok, Thailand. Poster at the 33rd USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 25-28, 2015, PDF.
King, C. W. Matrix method for comparing system and individual energy return ratios when considering an energy transition. Energy, 72, 254-265, 2014 (article online).
King, Carey W., On Relating US and UK Energy Expenditures (net energy), Debt, and Interest Rates, 37th 2014 International Association for Energy Economics Conference, New York, NY, June 15-18, 2014. PDF
Donovan, A. and King, C. W. Trends in Country and Global Energy Industry Own Use and Production between 1960-2010. Poster at the 37th 2014 International Association for Energy Economics Conference, New York, NY, June 15-18, 2014. PDF
King, Carey W, Gülen, Gürcan, Cohen, Stuart M, and Nuñez-Lopez, Vanessa, The system-wide economics of a carbon dioxide capture, utilization, and storage network: Texas Gulf Coast w/ pure CO2–EOR flood, Environmental Research Letters, 8, 034030, 2013. Online Abstract PDF Video Abstract
Beal, Colin M., Stillwell, Ashlynn S., King, Carey W., Cohen, Stuart M., Berberoglu, Halil, Bhattarai, Rajendra P., Connelly, Rhykka, Webber, Michael E., Hebner, Robert E., Energy Return on Investment for Algal Biofuel Production Coupled with Wastewater Treatment, Water Environment Research, 84 (9), 2012, 692-710; doi: 10.2175/106143012X13378023685718. PDF
Beal, Colin M., Hebner, Robert E., Webber, Michael E., Ruoff, Rodney S., Siebert, A. Frank, and King, Carey W., Comprehensive Evaluation of Algal Biofuel Production: Experimental and Target Results, Energies, 5 (6), 2012:1943-1981, doi:10.3390/en5061943. Abstract here. PDF
Baldick, Ross; Webber, Michael, and King, Carey, 2012, Techno-economic Modeling of the Integration of 20% Wind and Large-Scale Energy Storage in ERCOT by 2030, DE-EE0001385, available May 6, 2013 PDF.
Meehan, Colin M., King, Carey W., Garrison, Jared B., and Webber, Michael E. “The Total Impact of Wind Energy Variability on Fossil Fuel Emission Rates in Texas,” presented paper at 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Austin, TX, November 4-7, 2012.
Maxwell, John P.., King, Carey W. “Trends of the Net Energy of Petroleum Products in Different Countries Using Energy Intensity Ratios,” presented poster at 31st USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Austin, TX, November 4-7, 2012.
King, C. W. and Hall, C. A. S. Relating financial and energy return on investment. Sustainability, 3 (10) 2011, 1810-1832; doi:10.3390/su3101810. Abstract here. PDF
— Discussed in The Economist, April 21-27, 2012, Buttonwood: “Feeling Peaky” —
Henshaw, Philip F., King, Carey, and Zarnikau, Jay. System Energy Assessment (SEA), Defining a Standard Measure of EROI for Energy Businesses as Whole Systems. Sustainability, 3(10), 2011, 1908-1943; doi:10.3390/su3101908. Abstract here. PDF
Alhajeri, N. S., Donohoo, P., Stillwell, A. S., King, C. W., Webster, M. D., Webber, M. E. & Allen, D. T. (2011) Using market-based dispatching with environmental price signals to reduce emissions and water use at power plants in the Texas grid. Environmental Research Letters, 6, 044018 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044018. Abstract here. PDF
Stuart M Cohen, Hannah L Chalmers, Michael E Webber, and Carey W King. Comparing post-combustion CO2 capture operation at retrofitted coal-fired power plants in the Texas and Great Britain electric grids. Environmental Research Letters 6, 2011 024001 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/6/2/024001. Abstract here. PDF
King, Carey, Energy and Economics 2011-2012: Long-term Fiscal Issues Need to Consider Energy Possibilities, Earth, December 2011, 45-46. Article here.
King, C., Coleman, S., Cohen, S. & Gülen, G. 2011. The economics of an integrated CO2 capture and sequestration system: Texas Gulf Coast case study. Energy Procedia, 4, 2588-2595. Abstract here. PDF
Hill, D. and King, C. “Using the energy intensity ratio as an assessment tool for near term energy strategy in transportation and petrochemicals,” Paper ES2011-54349. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Washington, DC, August 7-10, 2011.
Dodder, R., Felgenhauer, T., Yelverton, W., and King, C. “Water and greenhouse gas tradeoffs associated with a transition to a low carbon transportation system,” Paper IMECE-63991. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, November 11-17, 2011.
King, C. W. Energy intensity ratios as net energy measures of United States energy production and expenditures. Environmental Research Letters 5, 2010 044006 doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/5/4/044006. Abstract here. PDF
– – – Awarded the “Rosenfeld Plaque” and Selected as a “Highlight of 2010” for Environ. Res. Lett. – – –
King, C., Zarnikau, J., and Henshaw, P. “Defining a standard measure for whole system EROI combining Economic “top-down” and LCA “bottom-up” accounting.” Paper ES2010-90414. Proceedings of the ASME 2010 4th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, Phoenix, AZ, May 17-22, 2010. PDF
– – – Awarded “Best Paper” of the ASME Energy Sustainability 2010 Conference – – –
King, C., Coleman, S., Cohen, S., Gülen, G. “The economics of an integrated CO2 capture and sequestration system: Texas Gulf Coast case study.” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 19-23, 2010.
King, C., Gülen, G., Essandoh-Yeddu, J. and Hovorka, S. “Economic Analysis of an Integrated Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Network for Capture and Enhanced Oil Recovery along the Texas Gulf Coast,” Paper ES2009-90415, Proceedings of the ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, CA, July 19-23, 2009.
Lott, M., King, C., and Webber, M. “Analyzing Tradeoffs in Electricity Choices using the Texas Interactive Power Simulator (TIPS),” Paper ES2009-90135, Proceedings of the ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, CA, July 19-23, 2009.
King, C.W., Campbell, M.I., Beaman, J. J., and Sreenivasan, S. V. Synthesis of Multistable Linkage System using an Optimization Approach. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 2005, 29, No. 6, pp. 477-487.
King, C., Beaman, J. J., Sreenivasan, S. V., and Campbell, M. Multistable Equilibrium System Design Methodology and Demonstration. Journal of Mechanical Design, 2004, 126, No. 6, pp. 1036-1046.
King, C., Campbell, M., Beaman, J. J., “On the Design Synthesis of Multistable Equilibrium Systems,” Technical Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 2004.
Kollata, E., King, C., and Campbell, M. “Design Synthesis of Multistable Compliant Structures,” Proceedings of the 10th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Albany, NY, Aug. 30 – Sept. 1, 2004.
Limaye, A. A.; King, C. W.; and Campbell, M. C. “Analysis of Multiple Equilibrium Positions in a Magnetostatic Field,” Technical Proceedings of the 2003 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Chicago, IL, Sept. 2-5, 2003.